St. Louis, MO, Aug. 15, 2022 – Abstrakt Marketing Group hosted its fifth annual Give Back Day on Aug. 5th, 2022. Abstrakt worked with more than 25 charities around the greater St. Louis area as well as 5 nationwide charities for our remote employees. Hundreds of volunteers put in about 3,000 hours of service to make a positive impact throughout the community.
“Our company has a tradition of providing a day of volunteerism for our team members and partnering with organizations in our local community,” Melanie Clark, CMO for Abstrakt Marketing Group, said. “When it comes to being socially responsible, talk is cheap. Action and dedication are what matter. This day is such a blessing because we are able to have an immediate impact on thousands of lives. This is only one of the ways we will be giving back this year, and have major plans to expand our giving efforts as we head into 2023.”
The event kicked off with breakfast in the Levee House Courtyard, then volunteers departed Laclede’s Landing to begin their day of service. The locations that benefited include:
- Missouri Stream Team
- Gateway Pet Guardians
- Springboard to Learning
- Youth and Family Center
- Urban Sprouts
- Almost Home
- Your Words STL
- Louis Dream Center
- Girls Incorporated
- Gateway Arch Park Foundation
- Promise Community Homes
- Northside Youth and Senior Service Center
- Lessie Bates Davis Neighborhood House
- Brightside STL
- Louis Crisis Nursery
- Peter & Paul Community Center
- North Newstead Association
- Humanitri
- Salvation Army
- Care STL
- Laclede’s Landing Neighborhood Association
- Humane Society of Missouri – Longmeadow Ranch
- Duo Dogs
- Wild Bird Sanctuary
Some of the group’s efforts included cleaning up over 3,000 pounds of trash from the River Des Peres and Missouri River, finishing the construction of a fence at a local animal shelter, preparing a vacated apartment for a new family to move in, repairing ramps at a local nursery, and painting and organizing a classroom at a tutoring center.
“What you all did for the environment and for bettering the surrounding communities cannot be depicted in words,” said Brian Waldrop, Missouri Department of Conservation’s St. Louis Regional Stream Team Assistant. “Still, I thank you for your ever-loving dedication to the St. Louis Region and the Missouri Stream Team Program. You all make this place a much better place to live and thrive.”
Abstrakt prioritizes charitable efforts throughout the year with additional charitable PTO and a donation match for each team member. Give Back Day is a representation of the company’s culture and an integral part of its ongoing vision. The leadership team is proud to have partnered with the United Way of St. Louis and the organizations above to achieve a significant social and environmental impact on the community.